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Iron marines guide free#

That’s unique among the Chaos Space Marine legions, who tend to favor INFANTRY with their stratagems. Vehicle support. The Iron Warriors have better vehicle and daemon engine support than any other legion, with multiple stratagems and warlord traits that boost vehicle shooting and make it harder to kill vehicles.Because they’re focused on shooting and ranged units, the Iron Warriors tend to work best as the compliment to a melee-focused detachment that can flip objectives after the units on them have been softened up with shooting. They’re worth considering as a single detachment option in some builds, particularly if you’re running a detachment of daemon engines or vehicles. The Iron Warriors have typically taken a back seat to the other traitor legions in terms of power and competitive play, but have quite a bit going for them in 9th edition with a lot of strong tricks they can make use of. This coupled with a pushed set of abilities and a decent legion trait make them a decent contender for legions that you’d consider running a detachment of in your Chaos Space Marines army, particularly if you’re running daemon engines. The Iron Warriors have some neat tricks that revolve around shooting and Obliterators as well as a few interesting tricks for vehicles. Faith and Fury gave them some new life however, with some very solid tools that have helped the make the occasional showing in successful competitive lists. This would be great if buildings weren’t completely worthless in Warhammer 40k. The bitter, angry Marines who simulate battles with tabletop wargames, the Iron Warriors are masters of Siege Warfare.